oil seal 40100673 42127773 40102103 40102503 40102093 7185250 for truck
crankshaft oil seak oem:40100673 size:180MM*200MM*12MM
hub shaft seal oem:42127773 size:180MM*200MM*13.5MM
hub shaft seal oem:40102103 size:128*144-152*11-25MM
driveshaft seal oem:40102503 size:66*92*19MM
driveshaft seal oem:40102093 size:60*77*12-14MM
shaft seal oem:7185250 size:95*130*16MM
The price is unreal price .
The product can't be ordered online,please contact customer service.
my whatsapp:+08613801897757
my email:292001166@qq.com